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Grants for heat pumps and heating

Save with heat pump grants

Do you want to change your heating system to reduce your energy bill and improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home? You can benefit from several grants for the purchase of a wall-mounted heat pump or an energy-efficient heating system. In fact, both levels of government, Energir, Hydro-Québec and some municipalities offer financial assistance to homeowners who carry out major energy-efficient renovations.

thermopompe Lennox
heat pump federal grant

The federal government's grant for the purchase of a heat pump

The federal government wants to help Canadians live in more energy-efficient environments. In this sense, various subsidies for heat pumps are offered by the federal government. However, the Canada Greener Homes Grant proposed for the purchase of a heat pump has not been accepting new applicants since April 2024. It has been replaced by the Affordable Oil to Heat Pump Conversion Program.

This grant helps eligible homeowners with median incomes or below who currently heat their homes with oil to switch to a more efficient and energy-efficient option. It consists of up to $10,000 to cover the cost of replacing your oil heating system with an eligible heat pump, plus $5,000 for eligible homeowners and a $250 incentive. For more information, visit the federal government website.

Quebec government subsidies for the purchase of a heat pump

Rénoclimat heat pump grant

The installation of geothermal heating systems and heat pumps is no longer eligible for the Rénoclimat subsidy since May 1, 2024. However, the Quebec government offers eligible homeowners two other financial aids depending on their situation.

Subvention Chauffez Vert

Green heating grant

The Chauffez vert grant offers an amount of up to $1,275 to eligible homeowners who want to replace their oil or propane heating system with a system that runs on electricity, such as a heat pump with an electric furnace.

Programme Novoclimat

Novoclimat Program

The Novoclimat – Maison grant encourages the construction of a new energy-efficient home certified according to specific construction requirements. It offers an amount of up to $4,000 for the acquisition of a heat pump under certain conditions.

programme LogisVert - subvention d’Hydro Québec

The grant for a heat pump from Hydro-Québec

The LogisVert program involves implementing energy efficiency measures in your home. This program includes a portion called the Hydro-Québec heat pump subsidy. This financial assistance can be up to $6,700.

The program allows you to obtain a grant for the purchase and installation of an efficient heat pump according to Hydro-Québec. Among the list of heat pumps eligible for the grant, you will find many Mitsubishi, Lennox and Tosot heat pumps, available at Chauffage Vaudreuil.

energir grant

Énergir: subsidy for a dual-energy heat pump

Since April 1, 2024, Énergir has been offering you a grant for the installation of an electric heat pump to convert your heating system to dual energy (electricity-natural gas) and thus save money, while helping to decarbonize building heating. The dual energy grant is intended for Énergir residential customers who have a forced air or hot water central heating system that runs on natural gas, for the purchase of an electric heat pump. The financial assistance offered can be up to $6,000 under certain conditions.

Other subsidies for energy-efficient heating

Several municipalities in Quebec offer a grant for replacing an oil furnace with an electric heat pump or a system using renewable energy. Ask your municipality about available grants!

Save with heat pump grants and current promotions!

In addition to the available grants, we offer several promotions for the purchase of a heat pump or a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Let us assist you with your grant applications for heat pumps

For information on available grants for the purchase of a wall-mounted or central heat pump or grants for replacing your oil furnace, do not hesitate to contact our team. We can assist you with your grant applications and offer you financing if required.